This one-year collection contains six classic, specially selectedthemes from Every Day with Jesus to encourage you in yourChristian walk. Inside are 365 daily readings and prayers,along with suggestions for further study and discussion.FITTER, HEALTHIER, STRONGERIt is through discipline weare able to assent to God’spurposes for our lives.CHRISTIAN CONVERSIONBuilding a case for theimportance of conversion,outlining what stops us beingconverted and exploring whattrue Christian conversion is.AUTHENTIC APPRENTICESHIPUnpacks a number of keythemes concerning followingJesus, focusing on the charactertraits that we can develop.BEING REAL IN THE PSALMSSelwyn looks at the so-called‘uncomfortable Psalms’,those which express deephurt and anguish.BUILDING A MOREEFFECTIVE PRAYER LIFEA broad range of questionslooking at what prayer is, why wedon’t pray, objections to prayer,what does it mean to surrenderto God, and some practicalsteps to an effective prayer life.GUIDANCE AND THEWILL OF GODHow we can be people who knowand obey God’s will for ourselves.

Continue your Journey of Daily Devotional Reading with Life with Lucas

Ki Gifts are the proud supplier of Life With Lucas Daily devotionals. We encourage Daily devotional Readers to take Life With Lucas into consideration when choosing a daily devotional. Life with Lucas is supplied as a yearly subscription devotional and can also be purchased as a single book every 3 months.

Life with Lucas is written by Jeff Lucas, an international author, speaker, broadcaster and coach. Married to Kay, his passion is to equip the church with biblical, practical Bible teaching. Marked with vulnerability and humour.

Life with Lucas is available every quarter in full-colour print resource which is practical, applicable and Christ-centered - with free additional online resources. There will be video introductions for each new sections from Jeff, and occasionally 'Going Deeper' articles.

Jeff has facilitated LifePlans for a broad range of clients including  doctors, attorneys, pastors, authors and business leaders. A respected advisor to a number of thriving organizations, he is an international best selling author of 32 books, many of which have been translated into many languages across the world, as well as being a speaker and broadcaster.

Jeff broadcasts on weekly radio shows throughout Europe and in Australia and New Zealand, and holds a pastoral teaching position at Timberline Church in Colorado. He and his wife, Kay, live in Colorado and England; they have two adult children and two grandsons.

Author Phillip Yancey says,’Jeff understands and dispenses grace, with passion, humor and thoughtful content - a rare combination’.



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