I Exalt Thee (Scripture in Song)



Compact Disk



‘I Exalt Thee’ is different from our previous 30 or so albums be-cause in turning 80 we see a new and zealous generation arising to which we joyfully hand on our legacy of what God told us 50 years ago as we stood before His people. It was simple, yet it be-came our life long mandate; “Lead the people to Me". At the beginning of the creation story a father is calling to his son “Adam where are you?” Then, at the end of the story, Jesus gave the same plea for relationship as he said, “Listen, I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in, and eat and drink with you as my friend.”This recording is designed to give you that priceless opportunity as you listen and respond to your Creator’s desire for relationship with you as you open the door of your heart and let Him in.So along with a younger generation of true worshippers we give you this offering to bring you right into the presence of the Triune God who created you for friendship with Him.With our love and thanks for these 50 years of Scripture In Song, as you have listened and worshiped along with us, David and Dale Garratt



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