The 5 Love Languages For Men - Tools For Making a Good Relationship Last


Moody Publishers

Paper Back Book


The love she craves, the confidence you need

In a man's heart is the desire to master what matters. It's nice to get a complement at work or on the court, but nothing beats hearing your spouse say, "You make me feel loved." If you haven't heard that in a while, or you feel like you're not bringing you're A-game relationally, this book is for you.

The 5 Love Languages® has sold 10 million copies because it is simple, practical, and effective. In this edition, Gary Chapman speaks straight to men about the rewards of learning and speaking their wife's love language. Touched with humor and packed with helpful illustrations and creative pointers, these pages will rouse your inner champion and empower you to master the art of love.

"When you express your love for your wife using her primary love language, it's like hitting the sweet spot on a baseball bat or golf club. It just feels right—and the results are impressive." —Gary Chapman

Includes an updated version of The 5 Love Languages® personal profile.


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