Amazing Grace Cotton Canvas Tote Bag


Christian Art Gifts

Tote Bag


The Amazing Grace Cotton Canvas Tote Bag is based on the lyrics of the well-known song by the same name. Extending grace and goodwill to friends and family will strengthen your relationships and community.


The Amazing Grace Cotton Canvas Tote features a nostalgic rendering of an antique phonograph on a neutral background accented with warm pink tones. The words,


Amazing Grace


are printed prominently in a cheerful font.


This handy and roomy Amazing Grace Cotton Canvas Tote can be used for a multitude of purposes, such as carrying items for school, work, baby, errands, and the like. It can even be used to spread some grace and goodwill by offering a pay-it-forward gift nestled inside. Whether you include groceries for an overwhelmed friend or library books for a grandparent, the Amazing Grace Canvas Tote will be the vessel that holds your grace and goodwill.


  • Neutral Background with warm Pink Tones 
  • Full-color Printed Design 
  • Eco-Friendly
  • Collapsible and Reusable 
  • Durable Reinforced Handles 
  • Can be Carried in Hand or on Shoulder 
  • Cotton Canvas 
  • Non-woven Shopping Bag 
  • Perfect for Carrying Books, Groceries, or Supplies 
  • Size: 18.5" x 16" x 5.6" ( 457 x 406 x 142mm)


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