Medium Gift Bag - I Love that You're My Mom


Christian Art Gifts

Gift Bag


Give a gift in the I Love that You're My Mom Medium Gift Bag when you want to say, "I love you, mom." Moms are a wonderful gift from God, and giving them a gift is one way we can show our love and appreciation for all they do.


The medium-sized gift bag features a pale pink and light green floral design centered around an endearing phrase printed in deep purple and partially foiled in pink.


I Love That You're My Mom


An attached pale pink gift tag in the shape of a flower and matching pale pink handles and tissue paper add more pastel elements to an already feminine design.


Use this bag to add a spring-like touch to your gift for Mom. This medium-sized gift bag is just the right size for a decorative pillow, some books, or a collection of small items to match it like those in the Mom Collection that include a ceramic mug, keyring, stainless steel mug with a reusable stainless steel straw, daily devotional gift book, and two-piece gift set.


Bring a smile to Mom's face when you present your gift in the I Love that You're My Mom Medium Gift Bag. This gift bag is the perfect finish for a mother's day gift, but it works just as well for Mom's birthday, too.


  • Pink floral design 
  • Mom Collection 
  • Medium-sized gift bag 
  • One sheet of pale pink tissue paper included 
  • Pale pink satin ribbon handles 
  • Pink flower-shaped gift tag 
  • Size: 9.7" x 7.7" x 4.1" (246 x 196 x 104mm)


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