Hinds' Feet on High Places


Barbour Publishing Inc

Paper Back Book


Comfort and encouragement for anyone traveling the dark valley.
An intriguing allegory on the Christian life.

A modern classic: Hinds’ Feet on High Places.
You’ll love author Hannah Hurnard’s fascinating perspective on the Christian life. Follow young Much Afraid as she journeys from the Valley of Humiliation to the High Places with the ever-caring Shepherd.
Perhaps you’ll see someone you know—even yourself—in the cast of characters including the family of Fearings, cousin Pride, Mrs. Valiant, Mercy, and Peace.
Hannah Hurnard hoped her book would speak comfort to those followers of Jesus “who are finding themselves forced to keep company with Sorrow and Suffering, or who walk in darkness and have no light.”
Perhaps in reading this story, you will become like the biblical David, who went through similar valleys but could ultimately shout, “The Lord God maketh my feet like hinds’ feet, and setteth me upon mine High Places” (Psalm 18:33).


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