When God Says "No" - Facing Disappointment and Denial Without Losing Heart, Your Hope, Or Your Head
Barbour Publishing Inc
Paper Back Book
BARB9781643523613No is not a four-letter word, but it certainly feels like one.
It’s one thing to feel God’s love when life goes your way, but what happens to your faith when life doesn’t go as you had planned?
When prayers go unanswered and dreams unfulfilled?
When the sick stay sick and the dead do not rise?
When you’re lost in the desert and the Promised Land seems like empty promise?
When God says, “No,” how do you grapple with disappointment?
Author Elizabeth Laing Thompson walks alongside readers as she tackles the difficulties that stymie our faith, stifle our prayers, and stunt our relationship with God. When God Says, “No” will help you to discover hope when life feels hopeless, good in what feels bad, and new dreams when old ones have died. This book is a fantastic reminder of Who is in charge—Who He is and how He works. How He loves us and why He limits us. The better we know Him, the more we understand that He says “No” to a few things, so He might say “Yes” to many more.More in this Collection
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