Cards in Tin Precious Promises


Christian Art Gifts

Cards in Tin


Encouraging verses from the Bible are filled in the Precious Promises From The Word tin box, inviting you to read one daily for encouragement. Grab one in the morning before starting your day and soak up His wisdom, or allow a card’s verse to calm and give you peace before going to sleep. The promise cards are packed with verses that will bless and soothe your spirit as you continue living a life of faith and in the knowledge of His truth. Toss the tin in your purse and share the cards with friends in your life who are seeking encouragement or need to read the promises of the Lord. 

The 101 double-sided encouragement cards are shrink-wrapped and protected in clear packaging, inside a lovely tin gift box with pink flowers.
  • Box Side: 2.1" x 3.65" x 1.75"
  • Pink, Peach and White Floral Pattern
  • 101 Double Sided Cards
  • 202 Scripture Verses 
  • Full Color Decorative Gift Tin


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