Counterfeit Grace : Joseph Prince
Joseph Prince Ministries
Paper Back Book
JOPR9789811417610For there to be a counterfeit, there has to be a true and genuine grace.
True grace transforms lives. It saves and liberates people. It breaks bondages and has the power to help us live a victorious, God-glorifying life.
Because of this, the enemy has thrown up many controversies and misconceptions surrounding grace.
He uses hearsay, counterfeit teachings, and even a small minority who abuse and misrepresent the gospel by the way they live—all in a bid to make believers wary of grace, calling it “a dangerous doctrine.”
In Counterfeit Grace, find out what true grace is, and what it is not. Delve into Scripture to uncover much needed answers to questions like:
Is grace something dangerous to be wary about?
• Does grace give people a license to sin?
• Does grace mean everyone is automatically saved?
• Does being under grace mean I no longer have to confess my sins?
• Is holiness important under grace?
Experience the power to live above defeat as you discover the true gospel afresh and what living under grace really means.