Mornings With God For Teen Girls: Devotions and Prayers For Great Days!
Barbour Publishing Inc
Paper Back Book
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Barbour Publishing Inc
Paper Back Book
BARB9781636096162Every day can be a great day when you wake up to Mornings with God!
O my soul, bless God! God, my God, how great you are! beautifully, gloriously robed, Dressed up in sunshine.
Psalm 104:1–2 MSG
This uplifting devotional is the very best way to begin your day in quiet time with the One who loves you most. These 180 inspiring readings and prayers touch on topics important to your heart—like Positive Thinking, Confidence, Joy, Belonging, Trust, Hope, and so much more! With each turn of the page, you'll be gifted with a positive, faith-building message—guaranteed to start your day off right.
You'll come away refreshed and—with God by your side—ready to take on the world!
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