NKJV Deluxe Gift Bible Burgundy (Red Letter Edition)
Harper Collins Publishing
Comfort Print
Maps and Charts
Presentation Page
Red Lettering
Ribbon Marker
Crafted with great precision and purpose, Comfort Print is a range of typefaces designed specifically to eliminate eyestrain, making Bible reading more comfortable and enjoyable!
Publisher Description
:The popular and reliable New King James Version, now with the enhanced readability of Thomas Nelson's custom NKJV font, is the perfect gift. The NKJV Deluxe Gift Bible is a great way to celebrate graduations, baptisms, birthdays, or special achievements. This beautifully crafted Bible comes in a variety of Leathersoft™ covers and includes gilded page edges, a ribbon marker, a presentation page, the words of Christ in red, full-color maps, charts, and a dictionary-concordance.
Features Include:
- Improved readability of the Thomas Nelson NKJV Font
- Words of Christ in red
- Easy-to-use dictionary-concordance
- Miracles and parables of Jesus
- Ribbon marker
- Gilded page edges
- Presentation page
- Full-color maps
- 8.1-point print size