Words of Jesus for Everyday Living


Christian Art Gifts

Gift Book


“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” Matthew 24:35

Words are powerful, and what better words to hear today than the words of our Savior and Friend, Jesus Christ! Words of Jesus for Everyday Living is filled with powerful statements and encouraging words from Jesus. Jesus’ words are taken from the New International Version translation of Scripture (NIV) and organized into over 100 topics, beautifully wrapped in a soft green cover embellished with spot varnished images of birds and flowers. This is a great gift for a close friend in need of inspiration, comfort, enrichment, or blessing, which Jesus’ words can surely provide. 

This small devotional is softcover bound by a light green cover with gold foil title and border. An embossed bird with spot-varnished floral designs makes up the delightful nature theme found on the cover. On each page is the topic Jesus addresses, followed by a few of His sayings from Scripture addressing that topic. On the first of these pages is a place provided to present the book as a gift. 

  • Size: 5.9" x 4" x .7"
  • 408 pages
  • Softcover
  • Spot Varnished Cover Design
  • Gold Foil Title
  • Presentation Page for Gift Giving


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