Bible Sticker Tic-Tac-Toe: A Sticky Twist on a Classic Favorite!
Barbour Publishing Inc
Paper Back Book
A Sticky Twist on a Classic Favorite!
Bible Sticker Tic-Tac-Toe is a fun twist on a classic favorite! Forty-five tic-tac-toe puzzles, for the kids in your life, feature Bible story favorites including David and Goliath, Jonah and the Whale, Noah's Ark, Daniel and the Lion's Den, and dozens more! Kids will place their themed "X" and "O" stickers on the matching puzzle grid to see who gets their "three in a row" to win the game! Colorful designed pages and sticker art will delight kids and parents alike, while Bible verse selections from the New Life Version enhance a child's understanding of God's Word!
Bible Sticker Tic-Tac-Toe is a fun twist on a classic favorite! Forty-five tic-tac-toe puzzles, for the kids in your life, feature Bible story favorites including David and Goliath, Jonah and the Whale, Noah's Ark, Daniel and the Lion's Den, and dozens more! Kids will place their themed "X" and "O" stickers on the matching puzzle grid to see who gets their "three in a row" to win the game! Colorful designed pages and sticker art will delight kids and parents alike, while Bible verse selections from the New Life Version enhance a child's understanding of God's Word!
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