I’m Praying for You
Harvest House Publishers
Hardcover Book
HARV9780736963961Every now and then, a friend needs a little prayer. When life is hectic, offer her peace by pressing this sweet gift book into her hands. Give her a place to linger and be inspired by Tim Coffey’s beautiful artwork, a whimsical collection of bird and nature scenes that are layered richly with texture and color. Point out the Scriptures and endearing quotes about love, healing, grace, and so much more.
Give your friend what she needs—your heart, God’s love, and a gentle message of hope.
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In the Shelter of His Wings
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Good Friends Are Like Angels
Prayers For Those Who Grieve
A Girl After God's Own Heart
A Boy After God's Own Heart
One-Minute Prayers for Girls
A Widow's Journey
The Day Approaching
It Is Well with My Soul