One-Minute Prayers for Girls
Harvest House Publishers
Flexibound Book
HARV9780736973465Encourage Her to Pray Effectively
Help girls, ages 8-12, understand prayer is more than just what they do before dinner or bedtime. It is an everyday, anytime, ongoing conversation that will enrich their lives and draw them closer to their loving Father.
This unique prayer book, the latest in the bestselling One-Minute Prayers® series (over 1,000,000 copies sold) will teach girls to pray more creatively and open their eyes to how many different things they can talk to God about.
Make a difference in a girl’s life, one minute and one prayer at a time.
More in this Collection
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In the Shelter of His Wings
Prayers for My Baby Boy
I’m Praying for You
Friends Rule the Roost HC
Good Friends Are Like Angels
Amazing Grace
A Girl After God's Own Heart
Prayers For Those Who Grieve
The Day Approaching
A Widow's Journey
Beholding and Becoming
It Is Well with My Soul
Angels in the ER Volume 2