The Power of a Praying® Wife Book of Prayers (Stormie Omartian)
Harvest House Publishers
Paper Back Book
HARV9780736957496God Can Work Powerfully
Through a Praying Wife
Today’s challenges can make a fulfilling marriage seem like an impossible dream. Yet God delights in doing the impossible if only we would ask! Stormie Omartian shares how God can strengthen your marriage as you pray for your husband concerning key areas in his life, including…
- his spiritual walk
- his emotions
- his role as a leader
- his security in work
- his physical protection
- his faith and his future
You will be encouraged by Stormie’s own experiences, along with the Bible verses and sample prayers included in each chapter. Join the millions of women who have been blessed by this life-changing look at the power of a wife’s prayers.
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In the Shelter of His Wings
Prayers for My Baby Boy
I’m Praying for You
Friends Rule the Roost HC
Good Friends Are Like Angels
Amazing Grace
A Girl After God's Own Heart
Prayers For Those Who Grieve
The Day Approaching
One-Minute Prayers for Girls
A Widow's Journey
Beholding and Becoming
It Is Well with My Soul
Angels in the ER Volume 2